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CRU's Removable Drives Enable Collaboration


The Big Data Problem

If you're a business, goverment agency, or creative professional that generates or stores Big Data, you know how challenging and unwieldy it can be, especially if you need to share or transport this data. If your work requires you to save all files and documents related to your projects, your data can build up very quickly. Storing gigabytes on the cloud can work, but if your organization has long ago graduated to terabytes and beyond, cloud storage isn't

Cloud Storage Is Too Slow for Collaboration

Bandwidth isn't growing at the same rate as data is around the world. The more data you generate, the more likely it can be sent from New York to Los Angeles faster by plane than online. Transferring or backing up terabytes of data to the cloud can take days or weeks on a typical U.S. Internet connection. The repercussions of that delay are potentially devastating. Collaboration grinds to a hault with colleagues unable to access data without waiting for downloads and uploads. A company working on a Big Data project will be very frustrated collaborating on anything outside of their immediate office. In the Internet era, it is no longer possible for a company to forgo real-time development.

Cloud Storage Fails When Disaster Strikes

Every minute that your data is unavailable to you means time and money lost. If you're a creative professional, it could mean clients lost. If your organization is faced with disaster – a fire, burst pipe, or earthquake – your data has to be restored from backup. If you used cloud storage to back up, it could be days before you're up and running again. During that time, while your organization waits, its reputation will be severely damaged. Unfortunately, 47% of enterprises that backed up to the cloud have reported lost data.* Meaning that once your data is downloaded, it may not even be all accounted for.1-DataPort_10.png

Removable Drives Make Backup and Collaboration Easy

CRU's DataPort®, Data Express®, RAX®, and RTX® products solve these problems. Collaboration is made easy with our removable drive products, as the drive can easily be swapped out for sharing or back up, and you can store a tremendous amount of data on these de facto industry standard drive enclosures. Using our 3-2-1 Rule, you can ensure that your data is always safe from hazard and yet still readily available.

Hardware Encryption Offers Peace of Mind

1-DataPort_25_Secure.pngTo send data long distance, your organization will save time and energy by shipping on of our removable drives. To ensure maximum security, we offer military-grade, 256-bit AES hardware-based encryption. This takes the burden of encryption from your computer to the drive, offering a fast and elegant way to make sure your data stays yours. With cloud storage, your data will be passed over potentially unsecured networks to potentially unsecured data centers around the world in places you've never heard of. Our removable drives eliminate this risk whilst simultaneously speeding up the process.


*1. Symantec, “Avoiding the Hidden Costs of the Cloud,” 2013: