1. Terabytes Stored Easy
Removable drives offer a reliable, affordable, and efficient way of storing gigabytes and terabytes of data. Your work, projects, and sensitive data can be accessed – or secured – with the press of a button. Because removables allow you to easily swap your computer's hard drive, it's very easy to move your data from place to place or to collaborate.
2. The Original Cyber Security
It's easy to secure the data on a removable drive. Unplug it! No other storage system offers such elegantly simple security. With removable drives, there's no need to worry about where your data is being stored by cloud services or who might have access. Removability means that all of your work can be ejected from your workstation at your convenience. Additionally, CRU removable drives can be configured with military-grade 256-bit AES encryption, so you can rest easy that your data is locked away from prying eyes.
3. The Perfect Backup
Removable drives make it easy to restore your computer. Hard to believe, but sometimes hard drives crash. Or operating systems, applications, or data get corrupted. If this should happen to you, simply reach for the removable drive that has your OS, applications, and data on it and within minutes, you’re up and running again.
4. Removable Drives Make It Easy to Switch Your OS
Because removables offer you plug-and-play access to your computer's storage you can easily swap not just data, but entire OS environments. Unplug your removable drive that runs Windows and pop in your Linux removable. Virtual environments might be fine for some use cases, but there's nothing like knowing your environment or test suite is 100% of what you expect it to be.
5. Speed!
In terms of speed, no large-volume storage system even comes close to removable drives. Transferring 1 TB of data online at 25 Mbps (which is generous, the American average is 12.6 Mbps*) would take a staggering 3.5 days. Imagine your organization struck with a natural disaster or a conniving hacker's ransomware. Can it afford to spend days waiting for data to be accessible again? Removables make transferring 1 TB a matter of hours not days.
6. Rugged and Reliable
Our removable drives are rated for an industry-leading 25,000 to 50,000 insertions. This means that each of our removables can be taken in and out for years and not only will they work, they'll work just as quickly and reliably on their 50 thousandth use as on their first. We build our products to last with all-metal construction, fan-failure alarms, and field-replaceable components. We value our reputation of rugged removable drives.
*PC Magazine: "Average Internet Speeds Up, But U.S. Still Has Work to Do," 2015.