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Be prepared: talk to your IT provider about backup

When you’re a business owner or self-employed, your computer(s) are crucial to how you you earn a living. You’ve a lot to manage with your business, let alone worrying about backup and how you might recover from a disaster or computer failure.

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Helping my former colleague protect her stuff

This post was written by Whitney Kemper, an SMB Specialist in our Vancouver office.

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Protect yourself in this new year

Welcome to a new year! College bowl games (in my house, anyway) and resolutions are themes of the day, and it’s also that time when people start thinking about getting better organized and making plans for the year, both personally and on the business front. Data safety and integrity are crucial issues for any business, and with the headlines coming all the time about security breaches (the latest being Target, Snapchat, and Skype), it’s time to think about whether you’re doing your best to look after your business data. Computer backup plans, encryption, and offsite copies of data that you can get to quickly in case disaster (mother nature or plumbing) strikes are important to build into your daily business routines. If you need help, let us know. We have some ideas on how to help you get started or who to point you to if you like.

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