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Ditto Field Kit dresses for digital investigation success

Digital forensics investigators often ask us to create special field kits. Maybe they need a particular WriteBlocker, cables, and space for hard drives. Or they want to deploy consistent toolkits in the field. We respond by finding the right size Pelican case (or color, as it was with a US agency and our orange field kit), fashioning foam with custom cutouts, and including the right products for efficient digital investigation workflows.

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Losing a Hard Drive at CRU is a non-event

What happens when we lose a hard drive in one of our own servers?

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Drive eRazer: The Gift of Data Safety

With the holidays rapidly approaching, we wanted to share some gift ideas for the IT tech or professional in your life. Is there a guy in your life who loves computers? Who has spare computer parts in his office, den, or workplace? Then we might have just the gift for you.

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Mouse Jiggler MJ-3: The Gift of Utility

The CRU® Mouse Jiggler MJ-3 has many fun uses; and PC gamers, IT professionals, and presenters keep the Mouse Jiggler MJ-3 close at hand for many reasons.
What makes this compact device so cool?

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DriveBoxes: The Gift of Disk Protection

CRU® DriveBoxes are a necessity for protecting an archive of bare hard drives. For the person on your list who has a library or small collection of hard drives, CRU DriveBoxes keep them, and the data they contain, safe from dust, dirt, and magnetic fields which damage them.

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ToughTech Portable Drives: The Gift of Backup

There’s a good reason why so many professional photographers rely on CRU® devices. And if your holiday gift list has a photographer, videographer, or anyone who cares about an easy way to create multiple copies of images, video files, or other important data, the CRU ToughTech® Duo is an essential gift they’ll thank you for.

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Presentation Saved by Forensic UltraDock v5!

Last week, I was at the PhotoPlus show where we always hear horror stories about data
loss (the guy whose internal hard drive died, causing him to try to revive it so he can get
his 10 years of data; someone else who is spending thousands of dollars to get client images
from a failed drive; one photographer telling another about the wedding photos he lost).
There's no shortage of accounts from those who learn the hard way about maintaining backup

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Thank you New York and PhotoPlus!

I love New York (someone should create a marketing campaign around that). We were there last week
to exhibit at the PhotoPlus Expo, a gathering of photographers and vendors of all kinds. I had a chance
to walk around one afternoon and use my old iPhone (I must be in the minority of people who like smaller
devices, despite my aging eyes) to get a few images, including the iconic Chrysler building and the
headquarters of my favorite newspaper.

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Looking Forward to PhotoPlus

This year's edition of the PhotoPlus show actually falls on Halloween proper, one of the most fun times to be in New York. We'll be exhibiting there (booth 1247) and talking about backup solutions, strategies, and undoubtedly (unfortunately, too) about lost data horror stories. Jared Platt will be stopping by for a visit, and we'll be giving away prizes, including one or two for awesome costumes on Halloween.

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Back it up, back it up, back it up

Tell 'em what you're going to tell 'em, tell 'em, and tell 'em what you told 'em: A fundamental axiom for presenters and basic high school essays. So back it up x 3.

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