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Forensic Educational Purchase Program: You wanted it, you got it!

As a leading manufacturer of digital forensic write blocking and imaging tools, we work with many digital forensics educational programs, and want to make sure that educational staff, institutions, labs, and students have access to the latest technology.

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Data security and lawnmowers

Yesterday, we learned of yet another data security breach: 15,000 current and former New York MTA employees had their personal data exposed on a CD that was found in a CD drive that had been refurbished and subsequently sold. The employee data on the CD was easily readable, but fortunately for all concerned, the buyer of the CD drive was a technology security official who happens to work for a New York City Transit vendor--and who reported what he'd discovered. People are not always that lucky when their personal data pops up in unexpected places, whether by design or accident.

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Waves and nature in action: surfing photographer relies on CRU ToughTech Duo for backup

“I can’t tell you how important it is to know that my photos are being backed up when I’m on the road.” Mark says with conviction. “Before I started using the ToughTech® Duo, I was always paranoid that I would lose my stuff, because it was just on a single little drive.” Now he knows that wherever he is, his Duo is duplicating all of his images, on the fly.

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IT Resellers: Free lunch and a big opportunity for you

By Whitney Kemper

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Be prepared: talk to your IT provider about backup

When you’re a business owner or self-employed, your computer(s) are crucial to how you you earn a living. You’ve a lot to manage with your business, let alone worrying about backup and how you might recover from a disaster or computer failure.

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The Oscars and My Dartboard

When I want to geek out on one of the major sports, especially the NFL (and sometimes MLB or even lesser-followed events), I turn to Grantland, one of my favorite sites. It provides great insights and writing, eye-glazing analysis, and has the added bonus of covering pop culture (music! film!), too. The Oscars are being awarded this coming weekend and in its typical 'let's provide a lot of info and let you decide whether you agree with us' fashion, Grantland has been running a series of articles and videos about the award nominees, complete with thorough analysis and commentary, and of course, predictions. Now, being a fan of second-run movie theaters, I personally don't see many of the movies before the Oscars are handed out, so my predictions are about as accurate as any attempt I might have to predict the NCAA basketball tournament results, Warren Buffett's billion dollars notwithstanding.

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Featured Reseller – Compass Computing Group

What do hockey and IT have in common? Not too much, unless you’re a goalie and blocking pucks?

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Behind the Scenes: Compliance testing

At CRU®, we want to make sure that the products we produce are safe for customers to use, that they operate well when around other products, and don’t cause issues for other products. To accomplish these goals, we make sure our products comply with various international standards and our compliance process involves product design, electrical and mechanical engineering, testing, and evaluation.

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Target, Michaels, now Kickstarter?

I recently received an email from Kickstarter, stating they were alerted by law enforcement that there had been a security breach.

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Spring events: we look forward to seeing you!

Each year we participate in several different conferences and trade shows and we’re coming up on the heavy spring season. Like many other companies, we really enjoy the opportunity to interact with customers, resellers, the press, and other vendors.
In our business, we serve many sectors, and our trade show schedule is quite diverse.

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